" MWC United gives an opportunity to come together with people from all walks of life to support one common cause “the needs of others”. In a world where everyone is centered around self it’s a reminder there is still good in the world. We are all still good people. There is no greater feeling in the world (for me) than to be a blessing to others.“
Laura, Family Nurse Practitioner
“Volunteering with MWC United has allowed me to be able to meet with people that have varying interest, but coming together to work towards the shared goals. It gives you the ability to develop and practice social skills. Being able to give of yourself freely to a cause that You’re not normally obligated or required to do is rewarding.”
Tae , MPA
“Being able to make a difference is what stands out about MWC United. Showing support and helping individuals and other organizations by fulfilling a need is what we are all about.”